Tuesday, March 28, 2017

How have you been?

Few people really knew what happened. I am lucky enough that they do not ask much. It was something I really don't know how to share. It wasn't a very painful break up, but it will not be easy. It will not be over overnight. I feel numb. I wasn't crying as much as I should, but I know I wasn't okay. There will be those nights, that all the pain I had kept will just fall in my eyes. I tried to distract myself from thinking of him, or what happened.

I am still on the process of accepting that things didn't go on our way. I try to change the things I used to do and make myself extra busy. Sometimes, I just want to be crazy and be mad at the world, but I know that I will be okay.. I will soon be okay.

I  should value myself more and wait for the one who I truly deserve. 
Someone who will make me truly happy..
Who will give me time..
Who will value me..
Who will respect me..
Who will take care of me..
Who will make me laugh..
Who will love talking & listening to me..
Who will never get tried of handling me..
and someone who will fall in love with me over and over again and won't let me go..


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