Hey! It's love month and few days before Valentine's Day. And here I am trying to write again especially with all these things in my mind. All the hugots from the people around me, from the dramas I watched or just random feeling I felt or something that crossed my mind.
What are the chances?
What are the chances that we can't love back the person who likes us, especially if that is a good person? That is why there is this dating stage to further know the person. Well, for me, it is not about the looks or whatever, it is still the connection. I know, maybe when we are younger, that matters to us. But today, in this age, me personally, wants someone who can connect with me. Who can understand my silence and respects it. Someone who will not judge, but understands even if he doesn't know the whole story. A life partner. Someone that brings you smile despite doing nothing. Who can stay with you, keep you safe and protect you. Someone who listens more than talk. Whose priority is to make you happy. A relationship built with a good foundation of friendship.
What are the chances of being brave enough to confess your feelings for a good friend? Friendship between a girl and a guy is possible, but most of the time, the other may fall for the other. It may be mutual or one sided but how brave are you of the chances? How will you know if you don't ask? I know this is one of the hardest things to do, especially if something is at stake - your friendship. It may break, or advance your relationship to the next level but falling for your bestfriend is also a best feeling, right? So, go for it! You will never know the answer unless you try.
If he is not for it, then someone is out there for you. If he walk away after confessing your feelings and you lose the friendship eventually, then maybe he don't value what you have. If you went for it and it fails, at least, you were able to learn from it and hopefully, you can still be friends after. And if you go for it and found yourselves happy, congratulations! Keep what you have and treasure it.
What are the chances of loving someone else despite the fact of being in a relationship? Hmm.. that is complicated! Why fall for someone when you are committed? It is not just a matter of being faithful, but also being confuse of who do you really love. You need to assess and decide. Will you leave your relationship for a new found love? How sure are you of the new one? Maybe you are just mistaken of what you feel. Are you still happy? Whatever your decision may be, someone might get hurt, just make sure to go out of situation in good terms for both - the one you are in relationship with, and the new one. Let us not judge those in this situation, it is possible to happen even with the nicest person.
What are the chances to go running back to your ex? Are you open to give second chance a try? That maybe this time around, you can fix what have gone wrong and give love a chance to get back on you. There is nothing really wrong about it, it may work out, it may not. For me, it all depends on the foundation of what you used to have. Go back where you started feeling the kilig, maybe you can pick it from there to start a new one again. I guess you will just feel it, if it is worth to try again.
What are the chances of you breaking up because of long distance relationship? This may work out for some, and may not work out for many. I believe it is because we wanted love to be felt in the presence of our partners physically. Someone you can see, touch, hug and kiss. We are so affectionate we need assurance of love to be seen through that. But why does it work for some? Again, let us go back to the foundation of the relationship. How well do you know each other? How can trust be so significant with it. We are all different, and LDR may not be possible for all, but always remember that trust is a big part of any relationship, may it be far or near, seen or not. Work out to build a good foundation in your relationship and you will never be in doubt.
What are the chances of breaking up from your long time relationship? It is possible, no matter how we try to keep one relationship healthy, it can break apart. How long is long? Like 5 years, 7 years, 10 years? It is actually not on numbers anymore. It can happen to anyone even to married couples. Don't let the number of years define the relationship, it is the journey how you kept the relationship strong despite the problems you faced along the way all those years. If it is not healthy anymore and it doesn't work out, don't hesitate or double think to let it go. It will never be a waste of time. Maybe it is not yet your "the one".
As what they say, in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make. Chances don't approach you, it's you who approaches the chances.
Take this chance because you never know how perfect what is waiting for you.
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